Chiropractic Adjustments and Pregnancy

Pregnancy is a beautiful thing, especially when it involves a properly aligned spine. If you are pregnant, or know someone who is, this article expresses the importance of visiting a chiropractor on a regular basis when you are expecting. There’s many benefits to getting regular adjustments before and after you go into labor. Check out the list below and stop by Midwest Chiropractic today if you need an assessment.


Many people think that swollen ankles, lower back pain and hormones gone wild is a natural part of pregnancy. However, chiropractic care can lessen these painful symptoms of pregnancy or eliminate them all together.

Methods Used to Eliminate Pain 

Since the spine is considered the central force of life, it controls the nervous system and plays a major role in how we feel on a daily basis. When a baby is growing inside a female body, the baby develops at the physical expense of the female. From a chiropractic perspective, this often results in vertebral subluxations and as previously mentioned, lower back pain.

By receiving adjustments on a regular basis, your spine can be realigned and pain can be prevented. This can result in a healthier, happier baby since the mother’s body endured less pain and tension as a result of the pregnancy.

After Pregnancy

Receiving chiropractic care after pregnancy not only helps the body, but the mind as well. By getting a spinal adjustment after a woman gives birth, she can  prevent and treat postpartum depression. That’s because a chiropractic adjustment creates more blood flow in the spine and makes it easier for circulation to reach the brain.

Working with Midwest Chiropractic 

By selecting Midwest Chiropractic, you have opted for a safe alternative to invasive treatment and harmful medicines. Dr. Joe has worked extensively on spinal health for the past 26 years and is eager to help you. If you have any questions don’t hesitate to call at our office at 847-253-2112.