Healthy Weight Loss Tips From Dr. Joe Baric

10 Tips on Weight Loss

Losing weight can be a huge challenge for some of my patients. Some are able to drop the pounds quickly, only to see them return in a few weeks. Some have a hard time even getting the scale to budge. Whatever the problem is, I always offer them this quick list on 20 Tips for Weight Sustainable Loss:


1. Forget the Past and Future. A lot of progress is lost when thinking about all of the times you’ve tried to lose weight and failed, putting off dieting for a later date, or being stymied by all of the things you’ll have to do in the days to come. Focus on the now and get started!.

2. Don’t Sugar Coat Your Current State. Come to terms with how bad you’ve let yourself get, and make a promise never to return to where you’re at. It’s OK to be unhappy about the way you look, as long as you channel that energy into positive changes.

3. Don’t Overeat. This seems like a no-brainer, but it’s one of the hardest habits to break, and one of the most detrimental things you can do to your body.

4. Take on a Weight Loss Challenge. 90 days is the length of most challenges these days, but you can also find 30 and 60 day ones as well. What a challenge does is gets you to go hard out for a finite amount of time, so you can wrap your head around it. Just be sure to have a plan for when the challenge is finished.

5. Don’t Target a Specific Area. Spot treating rarely works, and can be very demotivating. Focus on improving your entire body and you’ll see those troublesome areas get better over time.

6. Don’t Let Giant Food Corporations Weigh You Down. It’s unfortunate the kind of “foods” the big food companies try to sell us. They’re filled with all sorts of additives and chemicals to get us to eat more of it. Take a timeout on pre-packaged fare.


7. Take Mandatory Me Time. If you’re always providing for others you won’t have the time needed to focus on your weight loss and fitness goals. Be sure to schedule some alone time to collect your thoughts.

8. There’s No One Way to Lose Weight. Don’t pigeonhole yourself into thinking that there’s only one way you could possibly get the results you want. There are many roads that lead to the same path, it’s about choosing the one that works best for you.

9. Why Not Live Up to Your Full Potential? Larry Winget says that the human race is the only living thing in the universe that chooses not to live to its fullest potential. The fit and healthy you is possible, so why not go for it!

10. Eat More Superfoods. Lost on healthy foods to add to your diet? Try things like mangoes, chia seeds, maca and kale to spice up your diet.